The National Fish Habitat Fund, marketed under the brand Beyond the Pond, has launched a website and proactive communication platform to benefit the National Fish Habitat Partnership. Beyond the Pond, a 501(c)3 organization which received IRS approval in 2015, was established to help build capacity for the 19 Fish Habitat Partnerships established across the country by providing an opportunity to connect with the private sector.
Beyond the Pond, has established a Board of Directors, by-laws and charter and has launched a website, www.beyondthepondusa.com that will serve as a platform to highlight conservation work by our partnerships and serve as space for collaboration.
“Our hope is that Beyond the Pond will catalyze much-needed capacity for our Fish Habitat Partnerships,” said Kelly Hepler, Chair of the Beyond the Pond Board. “Beyond the Pond provides a platform for our Fish Habitat Partnerships to make stronger and beneficial connections with corporations across America and demonstrate how the private sector can work with the government.”
The Beyond the Pond website focuses on the economic, social, and ecological importance of fish habitat conservation, as well as the work of the regional, community-based Partnerships and their successes. It is designed to assist potential corporate partners and donors in understanding how they can best help make an impact. In addition to having testimonials from supporting organizations, and highlighting Beyond the Pond conservation goals; the site will provide global coverage of relevant conservation issues and real-life conservation stories from the 19 Fish Habitat Partnerships and our other collaborators. Under the National Fish Habitat Partnership, the 19 Regional Fish Habitat Partnerships are considered chapters of Beyond the Pond, which provides a diverse opportunity to raise funds for on-the-ground habitat conservation projects.
The Board of Director’s for Beyond the Pond includes a wide array of conservation experts from states, conservation organizations, academia and the business community, including:
Mike Andrews (The Nature Conservancy)
Tom Champeau (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission)
Jon Johnson (University of Arkansas, Walton College of Business)
Kelly Hepler – Board Chair (Secretary, South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department)
John Land Le Coq (Fishpond)
Dick Ludington (Fay Ranches)
Steve Moyer (Trout Unlimited)
Rich Rosengren (The Nature Conservancy)
About the National Fish Habitat Partnership:
Since 2006, the National Fish Habitat Partnership has been a partner in 417 projects in 46 states benefiting fish habitat. The National Fish Habitat Partnership works to conserve fish habitat nationwide, leveraging federal, state, tribal, and private funding resources to achieve the greatest impact on fish populations through priority conservation projects. The national partnership implements the National Fish Habitat Action Plan and supports 19 regional grassroots partner organizations. For more information visit: