Featured Announcements​
Multispecies Aquatic Assessments
DFHP FY 2024 RFP now Open!
DFHP Announces FY2020 Funded Projects
DFHP Brochure
Conserving native desert fish by protecting, restoring, and enhancing their habitats in cooperation with state and tribal fish and wildlife agencies, federal resource agencies, research and private organizations, and engaged individuals.
Looking for Native Desert Fish Photos!
The Desert Fish Habitat Partnership is constantly on the hunt for good native desert fish photos! If you are interested in having your native fish photos shared with our social media followers, on our website, and our education and outreach materials please send your photos to desertfhp@gmail.com or tag us on instagram @desertfhp
Don't forget to send the photo credits and a brief description as well!
Example: This (desert fish species) came from the (river, stream, creek, spring, lake, etc.) in (State). Photo Credit: First and Last name of photographer, year).
Not sure what species are on our list?